Tuesday, February 27, 2007

RSS Specifications The Full Story Background Is Good

By Stephen Pavis Platinum Quality Author

RSS is the short term for Really Simple Syndication and Rich Site Summary. It is merely Web content syndication format. RSS is becoming more popular nowadays because of its ability to update a person about all the latest news and other significant data through an internet service.

This information comes from different sources such as websites, blogs and almost everywhere from the World Wide Web. It is also well-liked by the programs and web sites because it increases traffic and is easy to use.

RSS Specifications are the versions of RSS from its conception on 1997 up to this day. Updates are essential that is why RSS keeps on evolving to adapt to the changes in technology. The very first RSS-like program was the Scripting News format owned by User land. The format was not popular really accepted even though it works. The downside was that it is not that good compared to the recent updates on RSS but not that bad either.

Then the RSS .9 specifications was created by Netscape based on the format of Scripting News. This format works slow, very slow that Netscape decided to improve its status. Yet, it was really popular those days. Having the idea that the .9 version was not good enough Netscape make the second version called the RSS .91. However, Netscape settle to transfer the rights of RSS to User land, the original maker of the very first pattern of RSS.

They discard the .91 version and produce RSS .92. All the features of the .91 were included in the .92 version. It was build up by David Winner the maker of Scripting News and was released on the year 2000. Then in 2001, RSS .93 was suppose to be make public, however, it was not.

It was certainly discussed those days but due to the complaints that the original format of RSS should be maintained, it did not come into being. The RSS working group, instead, release a version of RSS which was patterned from the .9 version and it was named RSS 1.0. The new version was like but it did not become famous.

Then another RSS specification, RSS 2.0, was recently release which was widely utilized by web browsers. The design was based on the .92 model with optional elements and created by David Winner after he left User Land. It was released through the Creative Commons License on July of 2003.

From the day RSS was conceive

It evolves into different versions to accommodate the fast changing environment. The use of the RSS specification version 2.0 is getting more and more today. So it would not be a surprise if one day RSS innovation would come up with a variety that is impossible to think off nowadays.

Written by Steve Pavis In the last year Steve’s companies has generated over 1.5 million dollars worth of business using different strategies one of them been internet marketing online at http://onlinemarketingelite.com Steve is a leading expert with 25 years experience in the business sector has offices in both the United States and the UK. The most solid advice you will ever hear is "find an easy market" with little competition and research your keywords correctly, research is the key

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Pavis

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